Findings from Kynetec’s recent Farmer Engagement Survey revealed that, despite the difficulties of the farmer's job, they are generally proud of what they do
Kynetec conducted the on-line survey across 3 key European countries - Germany, France and the UK.
The survey explored farmers' views of their work, and specifically investigated if farmers generally like being farmers, what makes them proud and gives them pleasure in farming, what aspects make them wish they had another job, and if they think individual farmer initiatives can influence society's perception of agriculture.
Passion for farming and overcoming challenges
More than 1000 farmers provided their feedback. Around half of the farmers who responded were very enthusiastic about their job. They could not image doing anything else.
However, around one fifth of the farmers were particularly negative about being farmers. The negative aspects cited included worktime and weather in the UK, work, weather and remuneration in France and regulations and bureaucracy in Germany.
Generation education and connection with nature
86% of the UK farmers claimed that fascination by children watching the fields being harvested and worked by big machinery was a big source of pride (73% in Germany and France 71%).
For the enthusiastic farmers, their passion for farming was fueled by the connection with nature and the purpose of producing quality products and food for people.
Image counts
Farmers enjoy being appreciated and admired for their hard work. Kynetec's respondents were aware of the important role they play in today’s society. They are extremely proud that they are able to feed the population, and they want to be understood and acknowledged for this.
Promoting agriculture in today’s society
The survey also asked farmers if they think individual farmer initiatives can influence society's perception of agriculture. Around two thirds of respondents confirmed that private initiatives can make a difference.
64% of German farmers and almost half of the farmers in the UK (44%) and France (44%) already promoted agriculture through private initiatives.
Farm open days (25%), direct marketing (25%) and pick/sow your own flowers (16%) were the most common initiatives to create a positive and direct connection with farming in Germany.
In the UK, 19% of farmer respondents shared their farming experience through creating posts/stories on social media. Farm open days (12%) and farm holidays (10%) were the 2nd and 3rd most common initiative. The most common initiative by French farmers was to offer direct marketing (22%), followed by farm open days (15%) and social media activity (10%).
In conclusion, despite the many challenges, the majority of farmers love their work and do their best to spread their passion for farming and animal husbandry.
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